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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

iPhone and iPod touch v1.1.1 full jailbreak tested, confirmed! - Engadget

Customizers (hackers) get the best of Apple's 1.1.1 iPhone breaker

First, we need to stop calling customizers, hackers. The term is no longer accurate. "Hackers" has come to mean a destructive, even criminal technical modifier.Most hackers are just looking to improve the functionality of their hardware and software. Some hack just to see if it can be done. Its' more of an educational procedure for them. Most hackers are noncriminal modifiers that do us all a favor by finding out where improvements can be made and security holes exist in products that in many cases are not ready for prime time.

Second, Apple should apply a little of their non traditional "anti corporate" culture and embrace the non criminal hacking of their products. Turn a negative into a positive. Enlist the good guys that do it for the joy, to make your products better for everyone. Could it be any better? Maybe offer a reward for doing so.

Of course for some that would take the joy out of it. There's something about doing the forbidden that amps up the thrill factor. That used to be part of Apple's secret recipe.