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Thursday, September 28, 2006

New Palm phone expected soon

There is a new Palm OS based Palm GSM phone in testing on the Cingular system as I write. Rumored to be in RC1 (release candiadate 1) stage, it is expected sometime in October. With a form factor similar to the Palm Treo 750v it is designed as a low end smart phone option.

The Palm Treo 680 AKA "Nitro"...

Runs Palm OS 5.49106 (Garnet)
GSM Compatible
SD Card, slot on the right of the device
No external antenna (like the 700w/wx)
Keyboard layout similar to the Treo 700p
1200 mAH battery (compared to Treo 650's 1800 mAH)
VGA (640 x 480 resolution) camera
No infrared
No high-speed (3G) connectivity

Could be a good alternative for those who don't do a lot of data transfer, and have no need for infrared transfer. The 64MB RAM is a plus.