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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Windows 7 Bliss

I haven't been so impressed with a piece of software in a long time. I've been so used to smashing Microsoft for bloated, unreliable products that I feel weird being positive about Windows 7 beta, but I am.

I have tried since I downloaded it the first day it was available to break it. As I mentioned in my first Windows 7 post I have purposely loaded it on a very marginal laptop. I expected to have problems, but I wanted to push the envelope. I knew if Windows 7 ran even halfway well on this machine, it would be a winner. Well, I say it's a winner.

I'm not going to jump on the "release it now" bandwagon, but I am confident that Microsoft could pick any date in the future, whether it's a week, or a year, and it would be ready.

I realize that a couple of weeks experience on a single machine isn't a very comprehensive test, but I couldn't get past 6 minutes with Vista. I have installed all manner of software, good and bad, fiddled with the registry, even installed the wrong drivers on purpose, and the OS just keeps working.

Way to go Microsoft! Keep it up...
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