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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Microsoft Says Excel 2007 Produces Math Errors -- Excel Error -- InformationWeek

Microsoft Excel 2007 Math Errors Multiply Microsoft's Troubles

Microsoft has been struggling with incredibly poor product releases for the last 12 months or so. At one time we were all in a hurry to get the Zune, XBox 360, Office 2007 and Vista. Seems silly now doesn't it? Microsoft continues to strike out on all phases of it's business. As I look back it seems to roughly correspond with Bill Gates' announcement to step down and out of the daily MS grind. Coincidence? I think not.

Microsoft has enough cash and market share to perform like this for years, but not forever. I hope that it's competitors can step up and do what MS has been unable to do for some time now. Apple has. Anyone else out there ready to step up? For years Microsoft took advantage of similar performance of their competitors and built themselves into a technology behemoth. Now the tables have turned, but I'm not sure anyone other than Apple is ready to jump on the opportunity.
Dr Dave