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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Palm's Last Stand? - EXCLUSIVE: iPad Competitor Coming Soon From Palm

Three weeks from now we should have a very good idea of what the first offspring of the Palm/HP marriage looks like. Until then we have rumors from supposedly well placed reliable persons. If the rumors are correct, the HP Palmpad will be a very capable iPad competitor. I think the WebOS interface is the best of it's ilk and superior to that of the iPad. The hardware of the PalmPad looks superior, too. As one of many tablets expected to be introduced at CES, HP will have it's market packed with competitors. Will HP/Palm have what it takes to take market share in such a crowded marketplace? What do you think?

Monday, December 20, 2010

The True Meaning of Christmas


I love it! This is how we do everything in my family!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Take your Internet Research to the Next Level

How to Find ANYTHING on the Internet

It doesn't take much to be MUCH more efficient on the Internet. Here are some good tips that will greatly improve the results of your research efforts.

Cool new Windows 7 Themes

Windows 7 themes - Microsoft Windows

Check out the new batch of Windows 7 themes...

MS Security Essentials Screensaver 2.0

Put your screensaver to good use

I am generally not a fan of screensavers because they tend to be resource hogs, and can be manipulated by bad guys to infect your computer.

This one is different. It updates MS Security Essentials and scans your computer for bad stuff when running. Great idea, huh?

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

YouTube - Ind. congressman loses temper

YouTube - Ind. congressman loses temper: "
I am sorry to see this man go. We need truth-tellers like a drowning man needs a life preserver - and this was a "Mr. Smith" truth telling moment. I hope it gets legs. This could be as catalyzing as the Rick Santelli rant on CNBC.