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Friday, April 30, 2010

Brother HL-2170W Laser Printer - HL2170W -

Brother HL-2170W Laser Printer - HL2170W -

Great deal on a great little wi-fi laser printer. Less than $100!

Free Orion IP Address Tracker

Register for Orion IP Address Tracker

Free IP address tracker helps you manage IP's on your network.

End Firearms Registration in Arizona

AZCDL Home -- End Firearms Registration - Contact the Governor

The Real Story of Todays Windows Mobile

End of the line for my T-Mobile HD2, I just can't take Windows Mobile anymore Smartphones and Cell Phones

Matthew Miller tells the truth about his experience with a top notch device and a cobbled OS. We don't often get such a honest expression of frustration by a technology expert. Worth a read if for no other reason than to chuckle at the travails of an expert. Makes you feel a little less stupid when an expert has such struggles.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Forget HP's Corporate Clout End Users Drive Adoption

HP Partners: Palm Deal Spells Big End-To-End Opportunity - Mobile - IT Channel News by CRNl

Enterprise technology sales people are drooling over the prospects of selling Palm smartphones to their clients. It's believed that HP's powerful presence in that space gives them a unique advantage.

It is an advantage to be so strong in that market, but it isn't a substitute for producing very compelling products for end users. It was the case when PC's took over the mainframe/dumb terminal enterprise market in the '80's, the Apple iPhone corporate invasion now, and will be the key to success for HP with Palm. End users drive adoption, the product's management friendliness defines whether it will be a happy and speedy adoption or not.

Palm has some compelling products, but their marketing has been atrocious. HP's biggest favor it could do for Palm is spend some money (which Palm hasn't had for years) on good old fashioned aggressive marketing.

At least Palm's demise isn't hanging over it's head and smart phone buyers and third party developers can once again look at it as a legitimate potential choice.

Now if Palm can get it's lineup on more carriers, we may have a real rebirth.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

UPDATED: Comodo Time Machine for Painless System Restoration

BEWARE: Some  users (including me) have experienced catastrophic disk failure when doing uninstalls of this software. I  recommend that you DO NOT use this software until it's problems are better understood and addressed.

Comodo offers a FREE system restore program that has the benefit of allowing you to do a restore even if Windows won't boot. Very helpful when your computer life has fallen apart and you need to get it back without spending hundreds on a pro. Works with XP, Vista & and some of the Server versions of Windows. Download it here.