You no longer have to be an involuntary beta tester. Dr Dave guides you through the technology maze, separating the hype from technology that actually adds to the quality of your life.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

YouTube news you'll not hear elsewhere

Rather than repeat my blog entry, I'll just refer you to to
my "TruthBlog".  Funny how much much some fight
censorship, until  someone disagrees with them...  

Monday, October 09, 2006

BBC test prove computer vulnerability...

The BBC has done informal test of computers on the Internet to see how often they were attacked. Seems their results are about once an hour. My experience has shown that a new computer will be attacked within about 3 or 4 minutes of it's connection to the Internet.

In any event, PROTECT YOUR PC! I don't care what or why you are using the PC. I don't care how unimportant and insignificant you and your Internet use are. Even if you don't care about the computer or your data, you don't want the PC used for illegal purposes by organized crime in Russia, or elsewhere. You could end up with the FBI at your doorstep because your computer was unknowingly used by an indentity theft ring based overseas.

Palm Treo series must have...

One of the little things that is a pain about the Palm Treo series of
PDA phones, is the 2.5 mm audio connector. Here's a cheap easy 
way to get around that and open up a whole new world of headset
options. Best of all it's priced right! 

Saturdays guest - Lance Cotrell, founder

Next Saturdays guest is Lance Cotrell, Founder and chief scientist of
He's a brilliant guy and we'll have a blast with the interview I'm sure. Anonymizer has some new products and special projects that you really need to know about.

I hope you'll join us this Sturday for ComputerTalk with Dave Mason and Lance Cotrell of